今日:FDA decisionからみたLABAs使用のPressフォーラムがあるらしい
2010年 03月 01日
Monday, March 1 2:15 - 3 pm
Press Forum: What Do You Do Now? Use of LABAs in Light of the Recent FDA Decision
http://www.aaaai.org/media/jaci/ ・・・ に注目か?
For Immediate Release: Feb. 18, 2010
FDA Announces New Safety Controls for Long-Acting Beta Agonists, Medications Used to Treat Asthma
* The use of LABAs is contraindicated without the use of an asthma controller medication such as inhaled corticosteroid. Single-agent LABAs should only be used in combination with an asthma controller medication; they should not be used alone;
* LABAs should only be used long-term in patients whose asthma cannot be adequately controlled on asthma controller medications;
* LABAs should be used for the shortest duration of time required to achieve control of asthma symptoms and discontinued, if possible, once asthma control is achieved. Patients should then be maintained on an asthma controller medication.
* Pediatric and adolescent patients who require a LABA in addition to an inhaled corticosteroid should use a combination product containing both an inhaled corticosteroid and a LABA to ensure compliance with both medications.
ref. 喘息:長期ベータ刺激剤ICS併用でも挿管や死亡増加? 2010-02-22
AAAAI: What Do You Do Now? Use of LABAs in Light of the Recent FDA Decision
Monday, March 1 3:15 pm ET, 2:15 CT, 12:15 PT
なんか、つながりません(H22.3.2 朝10時頃)
by internalmedicine | 2010-03-01 12:04 | 呼吸器系