
横断研究で、米国2つのサンプルで、 MIDUS (the national survey of midlife development in the United States, 1995-6)と NSHAP (the national social life, health and ageing project, 2005-6).

midlife cohort (MIDUS) からの3032名の成人(25-74歳、1561名の女性、1471名の男性)と later life cohort (NSHAP)からの3005名の成人(57-85歳、1550名の女性、1455名の男性

Sex, health, and years of sexually active life gained due to good health: evidence from two US population based cross sectional surveys of ageing
BMJ 2010;340:c810, doi: 10.1136/bmj.c810 (Published 9 March 2010)


Life expectancy and sexually active life expectancy in US men and women. Based on data from national survey of midlife development in the United States (MIDUS)


Sexually active life expectancy in US men and women by health status. Based on data from national survey of midlife development in the United States (MIDUS)



by internalmedicine | 2010-03-12 17:22 | 医学  

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