2010年 06月 04日
”the effects of inpatient rehabilitation specifically designed for geriatric patients”のsystematic review and meta-analysis で、
Rehabilitationの定義は、”inpatient multidisciplinary programmes with active physiotherapy or occupational therapy, or both, according the WHO ICF framework”
Stucki G, Ewert T, Cieza A. Value and application of the ICF in rehabilitation medicine. Disabil Rehabil 2003;25:628-34.
Stucki G, Cieza A, Melvin J. The international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF): a unifying model for the conceptual description of the rehabilitation strategy. J Rehabil Med 2007;39:279-85.
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この研究は、入院リハビリテーションプログラムが、WHO framework rehabilitation cycleに従った場合、よりベネフィットが大きいかどうかの仮説の正当性を明らかした。
Inpatient rehabilitation specifically designed for geriatric patients: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Published 20 April 2010, doi:10.1136/bmj.c1718
Cite this as: BMJ 2010;340:c1718
Fig 2 Effect of inpatient rehabilitation specifically designed for geriatric patients on functional improvement at hospital discharge and at follow-up
Fig 3 Effect of inpatient rehabilitation specifically designed for geriatric patients on admissions to nursing homes at hospital discharge and at follow-up
Fig 4 Effect of inpatient rehabilitation specifically designed for geriatric patients on mortality at hospital discharge and at follow-up
急性治癒医療の補完として、リハビリテーション医学が、治療患者への西洋社会では有効なツールとして認識されてきた。World Health Organizationは、その目的として、”to maximise function and minimise limitation of activity and restriction of participation resulting from an underlying impairment or disease.”としており、WHO の international classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF) では医学的判断・生物学的機能だけでなくdisabilityの側面がフレームワークに組み入れられている。
by internalmedicine | 2010-06-04 09:06 | 医療一般