2010年 06月 04日
Randomised Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES:1999 (from 2847, 5345, and 5246 in the first half of 1999 to 6582, 10 753, and 10 534 by the second half of 2001, and to 8619, 17 844, and 17 649 by 2007)のデータ使用
Spironolactone use and renal toxicity: population based longitudinal analysis
Li Wei, Allan D Struthers, Tom Fahey, Alexander D Watson, Thomas M MacDonald
BMJ 2010;340:c1768 (Published )
Spironolactone prescriptions (top) and prescribing rates (bottom) for different indications in Tayside population between 1994 and 2007. HF=heart failure; LC=liver cirrhosis
Rates of spironolactone prescriptions and hyperkalaemia among patients recently admitted to hospital for heart failure who were receiving angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, and rates of aspirin and statins prescribing
by internalmedicine | 2010-06-04 10:23 | 動脈硬化/循環器