ランダム化トライアル: うっ血性心不全のはり(鍼)効果:運動耐容能改善効果
2010年 06月 25日
Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study
Heart doi:10.1136/hrt.2009.187930 Published Online First 15 June 2010
安定うっ血性心不全患者(NYHA II-III、駆出率<40%)で、最適化心不全治療を受けてる患者を
ランダムにverum acupuncture(VA)とplacebo acupuncture(PA)に割り付け
心拍出量、ピーク酸素摂取量の改善認めないが、6分間歩行距離安定性はVA群で著明に改善(+32±7 m) し、PA群では改善せず (−1±11 m; p<0.01)
最大運動後運動後回復、換気効率のマーカーであるVE/VCO2 slopeは改善
QOL SF-36 の‘general health’ score と ‘body pain’ score がVA群で改善
Acupuncture Inhibits Sympathetic Activation During Mental Stress in Advanced Heart Failure Patients
Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 8 No. 6 2002
acupuncture. The skin was cleaned with alcohol. Acupuncture needles (4 cm, 0.25 mm diameter, Natural, Suzhou Guso Acupuncture and Moxibustion Appliance Co., Ltd., China) were inserted into right Li4 (Hegu, large intestine 4), right Liv3 (Taichong, liver 3), and left P6 (Neiguan, pericardium 6) points, and manually stimulated for approximately 15 seconds to achieve the De Qi sensation of heaviness, fullness, or soreness. Needles were left in place while volunteers rested for 15 minutes, and then needles were removed. These points were chosen because they associated with stress reduction or have been used in the treatment of heart failure
by internalmedicine | 2010-06-25 08:18 | 動脈硬化/循環器