2010年 07月 02日
Dyspnoea-12 is a valid and reliable measure of breathlessness in patients with ILD Chest 100693published July 1, 2010, doi:10.1378/chest.10-0693
Dyspnoea-12:D-12はinternal consistency (Cronbach’s α =0.93) 良好、repeatability (Intra-class correlation coefficient = 0.94)良好
スコアは有意にMRC grade (r = 0.56, p<0.001)、SGRQ (symptoms r = 0.57; activities r = 0.78; impacts r = 0.75; total r = 0.79, p<0.001)とも相関性がよい
確証的因子分析 confirmatory factor analysisで、患者群でD-12の構成決定の確認をした
Quantification of dyspnoea using descriptors: development and initial testing of the Dyspnoea-12
Thorax 2010;65:21-26 doi:10.1136/thx.2009.118521
by internalmedicine | 2010-07-02 09:54 | 呼吸器系