人工呼吸:SIMV-PS vs A/C 臨床的アウトカム差なし?
2010年 07月 02日
PS vs A/Cに関しては随分前から議論されてるのに今更という気もするのだが・・・
e.g. ) pubmed 検索
Comparison of Pressure Support
Ventilation and Assist-Control
Ventilation in the Treatment of
Respiratory Failure*(CHEST 1997; 111:1322-25)
Outcomes of Patients Ventilated With Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation With Pressure Support: A Comparative Propensity Score Study
Chest June 2010 137:1265-127
In a logistic regression model, patients were more likely to receive SIMV-PS if they were from North America, had lower severity of illness, or were ventilated postoperatively or for trauma.
propensity scoreによる層別解析では、院内死亡率に差なし
SIMV-PSの院内死亡率の包括的影響は有意でない (odds ratio, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.77-1.42; P = .78)
by internalmedicine | 2010-07-02 10:29 | 呼吸器系