


中等度・中間リスク、無症状成人男女、人種横断的に適応であり、冠動脈系のカルシウム分布情報は予後情報に関して付加的情報を与える。さらに、CTスキャンは、心臓・大動脈サイズ・epicardial fatにかんっして、メタボリックシンドロームの解剖的マーカーとして情報を付加することとなる。


Using noncontrast cardiac CT and coronary artery calcification measurements for cardiovascular risk assessment and management in asymptomatic adults
Vascular Health and Risk Management Published Date July 2010 , Volume 2010:6 Pages 579 - 591


Additionally, more recent investigations have indicated that there remains further information that can be derived from the low radiation dose, noncontrast ‘heartscan’.

CAC scanning is associated with a radiation dose which ranges from 0.9 mSv (milli-Severt) for EBT and up to 2.5 mSv for prospectively gated MDCT.
However, awareness of the need to reduce radiation doses for routine CT scanning has resulted in major improvements in scanning algorithms from the MDCT manufacturers.
Currently, a retrospective CAC scan can be done in almost all situations with radiation doses ,1.5 mSv and commonly at ,1 mSv with the latest scanners (the radiation dose for a standard two-view mammogram is about 0.75 mSv, to put this in perspective).
However, the fact that a cardiac CT examination of any type does necessitate radiation exposure to the patient emphasizes the importance of appropriate patient selection to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks.


by internalmedicine | 2010-07-09 08:37 | 動脈硬化/循環器  

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