ヨーロッパ糖尿病学会 「メタボは・・・・死んだ」
2010年 07月 28日
メタボ指導で体重、腹囲減 38万人調査で判明
Cardiology's view: A worthwhile tool
EASD: "Metabolic syndrome . . . is dead"
A different view: Waist and triglycerides are key?
糖尿病専門家であるDr Rudy Bilous (Newcastle University, UK)
"Essentially, there are no firm data to confirm that the metabolic syndrome is indeed a true syndrome. Many think that it is a collection of associated features/cardiovascular risk factors that coaggregate, but their collective association with cardiovascular disease is no more than the sum of their parts. Thus the metabolic syndrome adds nothing. Moreover, much of the risk is linked to hyperglycemia/glucose intolerance, obesity, and hypertension. Finally, there is no treatment other than managing each risk factor separately. Thus, it is a not very helpful concept [and] has proved more of a hindrance than an advance in clinical medicine/science."
by internalmedicine | 2010-07-28 16:30 | 糖尿病・肥満