”Get With the Guidelines–Stroke”:脳卒中予後因子

”Get With the Guidelines–Stroke”という大規模米国内卒中登録データによる検討

Eric E. Smith( University of Calgary in Alberta)による死亡予測因子
・年齢 (per year after 60 years): adjusted OR 1.022 (95% CI 1.019 to 1.024)
・心房細動:  adjusted OR 1.714 (95% CI 1.633 to 1.799)
・ 冠動脈疾患: adjusted OR 1.266 (95% CI 1.207 to 1.327)
・糖尿病: adjusted OR 1.107 (95% CI 1.054 to 1.162)
・末梢性血管疾患: adjusted OR 1.291 (95% CI 1.183 to 1.410)

卒中既往: adjusted OR 0.921 (95% CI 0.878 to 0.965)
頚動脈狭窄: adjusted OR 0.849 (95% CI 0.761 to 0.948)
高血圧: adjusted OR 0.878 (95% CI 0.836 to 0.903)
脂質異常: adjusted OR 0.675 (95% CI 0.642 to 0.710)
現行喫煙: adjusted OR 0.855 (95% CI 0.794 to 0.920)
平日時間内到着: adjusted OR 0.876 (95% CI 0.837 to 0.916)


National Institutes of Health stroke severity (NIHSS) スコアにある、約40%のみの意識、視力、顔面麻痺などの要素を含まない。

Smith E, et al "Risk score for in-hospital ischemic stroke mortality derived and validated within the Get With the Guidelines-Stroke program" Circulation 2010; DOI:10.1161/circulationaha.109.932822.

by internalmedicine | 2010-09-28 14:07 | 動脈硬化/循環器  

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