


Researchers at Harvard-affiliated medical centers genetically manipulated mice to age faster, and then used gene therapy to lengthen telomeres -- compounds found at the ends of strands of DNA -- which reversed age-related problems such as decreased brain function and infertility.
Researchers boosted telomerase in the mice cells -- which hold 20 pairs of chromosomes -- to prevent telomeres from getting shorter. They found restoring the enzyme not only stopped aging but revived failing organs and even restored dark fur to mice who had turned grey. DePinho said the mice that were equivalent to ages 80 to 90 in human years returned to the equivalent of middle age.

Ronald DiPinho ( Dana-Farber Cancer Institute、 Harvard Medical School )博士と共著者たちは、Natureに報告。


Telomerase reverses ageing process
Published online 28 November 2010 | Nature | doi:10.1038/news.2010.635

ホントなら、 ヒトへの応用も間近、不老の技術ということになる。

ずーと、仕事せざるえなくなるのか?年金制度は支払うときがなくなるから解決w、でも、葬儀屋も仕事が少なくなり、大変だなぁ・・・ 人口増えっぱなしで、ヒトの淘汰が無くなる。

by internalmedicine | 2010-11-30 08:41 | 加齢  

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