
A Comparison of the Effects of 2 Types of Massage and Usual Care on Chronic Low Back Pain
A Randomized, Controlled Trial
Ann. Int. Med. July 5, 2011 vol. 155 no. 1 1-9


症状スコア:oland Disability Questionnaire (RDQ) 、symptom bothersomeness score比較


・リラクセーション・メッセージ 2.9点(95%CI, 1.8-4.0点)低下
・構造化メッセージ 2.5点(95%CI, 1.4-3.5点)低下

・リラクセーション・メッセージ 1.7点(95%CI, 1.2-2.2点)
・構造化メッセージ 1.4点(95%CI, 0.8-1.9点) 


Relaxation massage
which is intended to induce a generalized sense of relaxation, comprised effleurage, petrissage, circular friction, vibration, rocking and jostling, and holding.
Therapists were given time limits for each body region, including 7 to 20 minutes on the back and buttocks (6). Therapists could provide a compact disk of a 2.5-minute relaxation exercise to be done at home to enhance and prolong treatment benefits.

Structural massage
which is intended to identify andalleviate musculoskeletal contributors to back pain, comprisedmyofascial, neuromuscular, and other soft-tissuetechniques (6). Myofascial techniques are intended to engage and release identified restrictions in myofascial tissues. Neuromuscular techniques are used to resolve soft-tissue abnormalities by mobilizing restricted joints, lengthening constricted muscles and fascia, balancing agonist and antagonist muscles, and reducing hypertonicity. The areas of the body that were treated varied across patients and treatment sessions. Therapists could recommend a home exercise consisting of psoas stretch to enhance and prolong any benefits of structural massage.


by internalmedicine | 2011-07-06 08:24 | 運動系  

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