


Smoking cessation support delivered via mobile phone text messaging (txt2stop): a single-blind, randomised trial
The Lancet, Volume 378, Issue 9785, Pages 49 - 55, 2 July 2011

生物化学的評価による禁煙率はtxt2stop群で有意に高い (10·7% txt2stop vs 4·9% control, relative risk [RR] 2·20, 95% CI 1·80—2·68; p<0·0001)

In lead-up to quit date
“To make things easier for yourself, try having some distractions ready for cravings and think up some personal strategies to help in stressful situations”; “why not write an action list of your reasons why you want to quit. Use it as your inspiration.”

Message relating to specific issues
“TXT2STOP: Think you'll put on weight when you quit? We're here to help - We'll TXT weight control and exercise tips, recipes, and motivation tips.”

On quit date
“This is it! - QUIT DAY, throw away all your fags. TODAY is the start of being QUIT forever, you can do it!”

After quit day
“TXT2STOP: Quick result! Carbon monoxide has now left your body!”; “Day4=Big day - cravings still strong? Don't worry tomorrow will be easier! Keep your mind & hands busy. Save this txt so u can txt CRAVE to us at any time during the programme.”

In response to text “crave” request
“Cravings last less than 5 minutes on average. To help distract yourself, try sipping a drink slowly until the craving is over.”

In response to text “lapse” request
“Don't feel bad or guilty if you've slipped. You've achieved a lot by stopping for a while. Slip-ups can be a normal part of the quitting process. Keep going, you can do it!”


“Thanks for taking part! Without your input, the study could not have gone ahead!”
“Thanks for taking part. Remember, if you have changed contact details please let us know. We will need to contact you at the end of the study.”
“Being part of this will help others in the future. Thanks for your help!”
“Thanks for taking part! The study is important and is supported by the UK Medical Research Council.”
“Only 4 more weeks to go until completion of the study!”
“We will be contacting you soon to collect final information. Any change in contact details txt us on 65151. Thanks once again!”

by internalmedicine | 2011-07-07 09:58 | 喫煙禁煙  

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