

ランセットの教育的レクチャーなのだが、end-stage renal disease(末期腎不全)国別頻度で驚いた・・・


「世界腎臓デー」を定め、予防を啓発するキャンペーンが 、国際腎臓学会(ISN)と国際腎臓財団連合(IFKF)が発案し2006年よりはじまっていたが、日本の厚労省はこの間、”メタボ”なる概念に基づく肥満対策だけを優遇し、CKD啓発に対して、本腰を入れてるとは言えない。”減塩”や”血圧”治療より、その効果に疑問がも耐えている”腹部サイズ”だけを重視してきた政策の愚。慢性腎臓病の認識度 2008年 04月15日

Chronic kidney disease
The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 15 August 2011
doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60178-5Cite or Link Using DOI


Prognosis of chronic kidney disease by GFR and albuminuria

Colours show how adjusted relative risk is ranked for five outcomes from a meta-analysis of general population cohorts: all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, kidney failure treated by dialysis and transplantation, acute kidney injury, and progression of kidney disease. For categories with GFR >15 mL/min per 1·73 m2 and albuminuria <2000 mg/g, ranks were averaged across outcomes. Mean rank numbers: 1—8=green, 9—14=pink, 15—21=orange, and 22—28=red. For categories with GFR <15 or albuminuria >2000 (corresponding to nephrotic range albuminuria), ranks were extrapolated on the basis of results from a meta-analysis of chronic kidney disease cohorts. Column and row labels are combined to be consistent with the agreed number of GFR and albuminuria stages.22 Albuminuria=albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) 1·0 mg/g=0·113 mg/mmol. Reproduced with permission from Kidney International and Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes

by internalmedicine | 2011-08-15 10:31 | 動脈硬化/循環器  

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