ニキビ治療目的抗生剤内服で咽頭炎増加 ・・・ 横断研究

Association of Pharyngitis With Oral Antibiotic Use for the Treatment of Acne
A Cross-sectional and Prospective Cohort Study
David J. Margolis et. al.
Arch Dermatol. Published online November 21, 2011.


座瘡治療目的経口抗生剤服用: 66.7% (10 of 15)
座瘡有り・抗生剤服用無し: 36.2% (47 of 130)
座瘡無し・抗生剤服用無し: 28.9% (35 of 121)

挫創治療目的経口抗生剤不況は3.53倍の超過自己主張咽頭炎(95% CI 1.14 to 10.95)、多因子補正後4.93倍s (95% CI 1.41 to 17.23)


by internalmedicine | 2011-11-22 08:21 | 感染症  

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