フィットネストレンド 2012年予測

the American College of Sports Medicineが行っている調査

2012 ACSMWorldwide Survey of Fitness Trends

1. Educated and experienced fitness professionals
2. Fitness programs for older adults
3. Strength training
4. Children and obesity
5. Personal training
6. Core training
7. Exercise and weight loss
8. Boot camp
9. Functional fitness
10. Pysician referrals

1. Educated, certified and experienced professionals
2. Strength training
3. Fitness programs for older adults
4. Exercise and weight loss
5. Children and obesity
6. Personal training
7. Core training
8. Group personal training
9. ZUMBA and other dance workouts
10. Functiona fitness
11. Yoga
12. Comprehensive health promotion programming at the worksite
13. Boot camp
14. Outdoor activities
15. Reaching new markets
16. Spinning(indoor cycling)
17. Sport-specific training
18. Worker incentive programs
19. Wellness coaching
20. Physician referrals

(赤文字は上昇 、青は顕著低下)




臨床整形外科学会がやろうとしている、内科系疾患無視ロコモなんたらは低下傾向顕著な”Physician referrals"に相当すると思う・・・

インチキ資格商売をするにはもってこいの時期! 行政がしっかりしていたら、この方面への目配りがあるのだろうが・・・ まぁ無理でしょ。アホ官僚どものことだから・・・

by internalmedicine | 2011-12-28 10:40 | 運動系  

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