

A Five-Gene Signature and Clinical Outcome in Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer
NEJM Volume 356:11-20 January 4, 2007 Number 1
185の凍結標本を microarray analysis、 real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis、その両者行ったもの
リスクスコアやdecision-tree analysisをNSCLC治療のアウトカム予測の遺伝子発現モデル構築のため用いたもの。60の対照

【結果】NSCLCと関連した16の遺伝子をmicroarray data解析にて検討したものとリスクスコアの相関。
RT-PCRの5つの遺伝子 (DUSP6, MMD, STAT1, ERBB3, and LCK)とdecision-tree analysisを選択
この5つの遺伝子は独立した、relapse-freeおよびoverall survivalの予後因子であった。


肺癌を含めたガン全般に、microarrayと reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)を用いた遺伝子発現プロファイリング(Gene-expression profiling:glossary参考)



Decision tree: A statistical tool for predicting which patient belongs to which specific class (e.g., good or poor clinical outcome) on the basis of feature information (gene-expression levels), with the use of a recursive-partitioning process and tree-based classification rules.

Gene-expression profiling: Determination of the level of expression of thousands of genes simultaneously by DNAmicroarray or real-time RT-PCR.

High-risk gene signature: Aberrant expression of a panel of genes in tissue that signifies a high risk of an adverse outcome (relapse or death in patients with cancer).

Independent cohort: An independent group of patients having clinical characteristics similar to those of an original group of patients in a study. The independent cohort is used to confirm the findings of the original study.

Risk gene: A gene for which altered expression in the tissue of interest is associated with an increased risk of an adverse clinical outcome (relapse or death in patients with cancer).

Risk score: A score that predicts the likelihood of an individual patient's survival on the basis of statistical analysisof risk factors (the expression levels of risk genes) associated with survival.


by internalmedicine | 2007-01-04 09:14 | 呼吸器系  

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