2007年 07月 26日
Framingham Heart Studyの一部として、1971-2003年まで繰り返された、肥満のヒト-ヒトによる伝播が、密な相互社会ネットワーク分析が行われ、社会を通して肥満が広がるというアメリカ国内の肥満疫学解析にて判明した。肥満の頻度はUSでは23-31%、過体重は66%とのこと
The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years
N Engl J Med 357:370-379 July 26 2007
友達が肥満なら、肥満となる可能性は57%(95%CI 5-123%)増加
成人の兄弟のペアでは、片方が肥満なら、片側が肥満となる可能性は40%(95%CI 21-60%)増加
配偶者が肥満なら、片方が肥満となる可能性は37%(95%CI 7-73%)
Ego: The person whose behavior is being analyzed.
Alter: A person connected to the ego who may influence the behavior of the ego.
Node: An object that may or may not be connected to other objects in a network. In this study, nodes represent people in the Framingham Heart Study cohorts.
Tie: A connection between two nodes that can be either one-way (directed)or two-way (bilateral). In this study, all family ties (e.g., between siblings and parents) as well as marital ties are bilateral, but friendship ties are directional since a subject may identify someone as a friend who does not necessarily identify that person as a friend in return.
Degree of separation: The social distance between two people as measured by the smallest number of intermediaries between an ego and other members of the network. For a given ego, alters are degree 1, since they are directly connected to the ego. Nodes that are connected to the alters but not to the ego are degree 2 (alters' alters). Nodes that are connected to the alters' alters but not to the ego are degree 3, and so on.
Homophily: The tendency for people to choose relationships with people who have similar attributes.
Induction: The spread of a behavior or trait from one person to another.
Cluster: A group of nodes, each of which is connected to at least one other node in the group.
Connected component: Part of a social network in which all persons havea social tie to at least one other person and no person is connected to a member of any other component of the network.
そういえば、University of Wisconsin での adenovirus 36と肥満との関連の報告どうなったんだろう・・・Obesity Research 5: 464-469 (1997)
Adipocyte, Adipose Tissue, and Infectious Disease (Infection and Immunity, March 2007, p. 1066-1078, Vol. 75, No. 3)では、特異的な病原性がGLUT-1、HPA系を介するシステムを紹介している。
by internalmedicine | 2007-07-26 08:39 | 動脈硬化/循環器