2008年 01月 08日
Elevated Brain Serotonin Turnover in Patients With Depression
Effect of Genotype and Therapy
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008;65(1):38-46.
脳のセロトニンturnoverは有意に未治療MDD患者で亢進(平均 [SD] 内頸静脈動脈5-hydroxyindoleacetic濃度差 4.4 [4.3] vs 1.6 [2.4] nmol/L, respectively; P = .003)
MDDの5-HTT遺伝子型の影響解析にてs alleleでは、2倍の脳内セロトニンturnover (平均 [SD] 内頸静脈動脈5-hydroxyindoleacetic濃度差 6.5 [4.7] vs 2.7 [2.9] nmol/L, respectively; P = .04)
SSRI治療後、脳内のセロトニンturnoverは減少 (平均 [SD] 内頸静脈動脈5-hydroxyindoleacetic濃度差 6.0 [4.0] nmol/L prior to treatment vs 2.0 [3.3] nmol/L following therapy; P = .008)
1)One version of this hypothesis is that a deficit in serotonergic activity is a proximate cause of depression.
2)A second theory is that a deficit in serotonergic activity is important as a vulnerability factor in major depression.
3) A third hypothesis, now of historical interest only, attributed increased vulnerability to major depression to enhanced serotonergic activity.
A General Hypothesis :Serotonin and Behavioでは、脳のセロトニン作動性欠如で大うつのvulnerabilityが増加するという仮説が5-HTの役割として結論づけられている。
The Serotonin Hypothesis of Major Depression
Effect of sunlight and season on serotonin turnover in the brain
The Lancet, Volume 360, Number 9348, 7 December 2002
by internalmedicine | 2008-01-08 10:37 | 精神・認知