2008年 06月 06日
座骨神経痛をもたらす腰椎ヘルニア手術、ヘルニア核の除去がなされる。圧迫された座骨神経の症状の組み合わせは、座骨神経痛、lumbosacral radicular syndrome(腰仙骨根性症状)をもたらし、分布に特徴を有する症状である。
Prolonged conservative care versus early surgery in patients with sciatica caused by lumbar disc herniation: two year results of a randomised controlled trial
BMJ, doi:10.1136/bmj.a143 (published 23 May 2008)
早期手術はより坐骨神経を有効に改善するばかりか、6ヶ月後だけでなく、2年後アウトカム不満足20%程度というRCTの報告で、cost utility analysisにてquality adjusteed life yearsの改善を認めている。
Early surgeryはr椎間板ヘルニアを拡大鏡を用いてunilateral transflaval approachで除去
Unilateral transflaval discectomy
A small midline incision (2–3 cm) will be made and the paravertebral muscles will be discected unilaterally. Laminotomy will be performed when necessary. In order to decompress the nerve root, the herniated disc will be removed as much as possible through a unilateral transflaval approach. All retrieved disc material will be collected and weighted afterwards. The wound will be closed in layers with a suction drain when necessary. Patients will be operated with loupe magnification or microscope depending on the surgeon's preference.(ref.http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2474/7/42)
by internalmedicine | 2008-06-06 08:44 | 運動系