


洛書き帳:「病院には遺体に対して『不浄』という意識がある」… /京都

毎日新聞 2008年8月10日 地方版

ビハーラ活動 「生老病死」苦悩に寄り添う /京都

毎日新聞の英語版サイト「毎日デイリーニューズ」が女性蔑視の低俗記事を長年にわたって配信し続けていた問題(毎日新聞の英語版サイトがひどすぎる まとめ@wiki)に関して




More Moms going down to ensure grades go up!
Asahi Gino 10/9
A 38-years-old mother discovers by chance that her 15-year-old darling is no cramming for high school entrance exams, but masturbating nigh after night.
What does she do?
After discussing the matter with her husband, the worried mother realizes the solution. She perfors oral sex on the boy for 15 minutes everyday to help him concentrate on his studies. The father, a tad jealous perhaps, goes to a porno shop and comes home with a chasity belt for his wife to prevent the son from going all the way.
Mothers anxious about their beloved sons are begining to take a more active rol to ensure their boys reach the gates to succes. In the old days, concerned mothers used to help their cramming sons by preparing them late-night snacks and telling other family members to keep quiet. But not any more, reports Asahi Geino.

The magazine bases its report on allegedly true stories gathered by Yukio Shibagaki, a 42-year-old cram school operato in Chigasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture.
Shibagaki introduces a young mom who found her 15-year-old son studying porno books instead of text books. The mother connected the magazines with high poor results and decided to help him ou. Starting that night, Shibaga says the cooperative mother helped her son masturbate. The woman agreed to stroke his penis on nights when he memorized 10 new English words. She offered him fellatio if he came home with improved test scores. Naturally, the boy's grades shot up.

Some anxious moms start even earlier. Shibagaki shares one case in which a 28-year-old woman rapidly improved her 12-year-old son's grades by letting him watch her undress whenever he scored well in his exams. "most boys crave for a chance to watch naked women. Many mothers accept this craving and reward their son's academi improvement with a peek at their body. Others hire young women tutors and tell them to pose naked for their sons."

Horny sons, however, aren't the only ones being satisfied by eager mothers. Asahi Geino reports that many male high school teaches take advantage of their influential position and ask students' mothers to go to a love hotel with them in exchange for favors. "Some teachers ask mothers to make love to them," reveals Shibagaki. "There are even teachers who ask mothers to offer their sons' elder sister fo sex."

A ormer private senior high school teacher in Tokyo informs Asahi Geino that desperate mothers are easy game fo leacheous teachers. "It was mandatory for teachers at our school to visit game arcades and coffee shops in the area once a week to make sure that students weren't violating school regulations. Students found in vilation were suspended for three days and their parents summoned fo discussions. When attractive motheres arrived, theachers in charge would quietly offer to erase the sus pension from their sons' attendance record if ... . Most mothers accepted the offer and went a love hotel immediately."(TI)



by internalmedicine | 2008-08-11 14:08 | メディア問題  

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