2008年 09月 19日
Smoking is not a mental illness
Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine August 2008, Vol. 2, No. 4, Pages 411-414 (doi:10.1586/17476348.2.4.411)
短期、間歇的ニコチンは短期・長期的化学的・機能的変化を脳にもたらすきっかけとなり、症例の積み重ねから、間歇的喫煙開始から、結局、ニコチン依存の症状を多くの喫煙者たちにもたらすことは自明である。臨床的エビデンスからも、検査上のエビデンスからもニコチン依存はneurophysiologyによるものtはと示唆される。・・・It is a neurological condition that is characterized by an insatiable hunger for nicotine. As one 16-year-old patient noted, after smoking just a few cigarettes you develop a “need” to smoke and then “you have to smoke to feel normal again.” Like hunger or thirst, the acquired need for nicotine is driven by neurological mechanisms. These mechanisms do not take years to develop, they develop overnight. Approximately a quarter of novice smokers report a craving for nicotine after just a few cigarettes . Nicotine dependence does involve learning; smokers must learn to cope with an insatiable hunger for nicotine. They must adapt their behavior to satisfy the brain’s demand for nicotine. Unfortunately, the behavior that satisfies the demand for nicotine is often maladaptive when it comes to social obligations or remaining healthy. Coping with an insatiable hunger for nicotine can lead to psychological symptoms, such as a fear of a life without nicotine. But the roots of nicotine dependence lie in neurophysiology not psychology. Just as stroke victims must adapt their behaviors to cope with their neurological limitations, smokers’ behave as they must to deal with their neurological condition. In my opinion, nicotine dependence is most appropriately viewed as a neurological condition, not a mental illness.
医者より患者がアルコール量が多くない場合は、アルコール依存症の診断をすることはできまいという医学生時代の冗談・・・・American Psychiatric Association’s (APA’s) のアルコール依存症の診断定義には“It describes alcoholics who drink you under the table, go on benders (staying drunk for days on end), are often too hungover to go to work and who get arrested for drunken behavior.”と書かれており、ある程度議論のうえ出来上がった定義ということ。だが、ニコチン研究者にはニコチン依存症のオリジナルな定義が見つからない。アルコール依存症の診断確率過程だけはみならい、新たに、“maladaptive pattern of behavior”を特徴とした定義を再考・再構築しなければならないと主張。
by internalmedicine | 2008-09-19 10:07 | 喫煙禁煙