2008年 10月 30日
Definition of metagenomics :
the study of the collective genomes of microorganisms (as opposed to clonal cultures). The technique is to clone DNA in large fragments directly from the microorganism's environment (such as soil) into a culturable host and conduct a sequence-based and functional genomic analysis on it. The hope of this new strategy is isolate new chemical signals, new secondary metabolites that might have utility to humans, and the reconstruction of an entire genome of an uncultured organism.
新生代のDNA sequencerで、100メガ塩基のDNA配列を決定できるようになり、Sangerのsequencingで用いられた方法に取って代わられるようになっている。下痢便サンプルを用いて、unbiased high-throughput DNA sequencingによる原因病原微生物同定の報告。
Metagenomic Diagnosis of Bacterial Infections
Emerging Infectious Disease Vol. 14 (11) Nov 2008
腸内のpathogenic ・ commensal bacteria 比を測定できるらしい
by internalmedicine | 2008-10-30 12:00 | 感染症