2009年 05月 23日
Rapid communicationsで、新型インフルエンザAの交雑性が報告されている。
The origin of the recent swine influenza A(H1N1) virus infecting humans
Eurosurveillance, Volume 14, Issue 17, 30 April 2009
Mapping the sequence mutations of the 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus
neuraminidase relative to drug and antibody binding sites
Biology Direct 2009, 4:18 doi:10.1186/1745-6150-4-18(pdf)
In this work, we study the consequences of sequence variations of the "2009 H1N1" (swine or Mexican flu) influenza A virus strain neuraminidase for drug treatment and vaccination. We find that it is phylogenetically more closely related to European H1N1 swine flu and H5N1 avian flu rather than to the H1N1 counterparts in the Americas. Homology-based 3D structure modeling reveals that the novel mutations are preferentially located at the protein surface and do not interfere with the active site. The latter is the binding cavity for 3 currently used neuraminidase inhibitors: oseltamivir (Tamiflu(R)), zanamivir (Relenza(R)) and peramivir; thus, the drugs should remain effective for treatment. However, the antigenic regions of the neuramidase relevant for vaccine development, serological typing and passive antibody treatment can differ from those of previous strains and already vary among patients
・ホモロジー3D構造モデリングにて、新型変異は蛋白表面により存在し、active siteには影響が及んでない
新型の豚ウイルス流行、2月に警告 欧州の研究者ら
asahi.com 2009年5月4日12時34分
A human case of swine influenza virus infection in Europe – implications for human health and research
Eurosurveillance, Volume 14, Issue 7, 19 February 2009
Swine flu outbreak. What role for antiviral drugs?
Science. 2009 May 8;324(5928):705. (abstract)
Swine Flu Outbreak:
Devilish Dilemmas Surround Pandemic Flu Vaccine
Science 8 May 2009: V0ol. 324. no. 5928, pp. 702 - 705
DOI: 10.1126/science.324_702
Swine Flu Outbreak:
Out of Mexico? Scientists Ponder Swine Flu's Origins
Science 8 May 2009:
Vol. 324. no. 5928, pp. 700 - 702 DOI: 10.1126/science.324_700
by internalmedicine | 2009-05-23 10:13 | インフルエンザ