2009年 07月 03日
The benefits of statins in people without established cardiovascular disease but with cardiovascular risk factors: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
BMJ 2009;338:b2376
【目的】 スタチンが心血管疾患があきらかでないもので心血管リスク要因のある対象者に対して全原因死亡率や主要冠動脈・脳血管イベントを減少させることができるか検討、男女とも同様の効果があるか、若年・老人(>65歳)でどうか、糖尿病患者でどうかの検討
【デザイン】 Meta-analysis of randomised trials.
【データ源】 Cochrane controlled trials register, Embase, and Medline.
【データ抽出】 2つの独立した調査者が、スタチンの臨床的効果の研究で、プラセボ・対照比較で、少なくとも1年フォローアップされたもので、心血管疾患のないひとが80%以上をしめ、死亡率・主要心血管疾患イベントのアウトカムデータのあるものを同定
Heterogeneity評価は Q と I2 statistics
出版バイアスは、 funnel plotsのvisual examination of funnel plotsと Egger regression test
【結果】 総数70,388名の10 trials、女性 23 681 (34%)、糖尿病 16 078 (23%)
スタチン値リュは有意に全原因死亡率を減少 (オッズ比 0.88, 95% 信頼区間 0.81 ~ 0.96), 主要冠動脈イベント (0.70, 0.61 ~0.81)、主要脳血管イベント(0.81, 0.71 ~ 0.93)
【結論】明確な心血管疾患の無い患者で心血管リスク要素のある場合、スタチン使用は、有意に生存率を改善し、 主要心血管リスク減少大幅にもたらす。
Odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for all cause mortality, major coronary events, major cerebrovascular events, and incidence of cancer. (Mortality risk based on mean follow-up of 4.1 years, with data from nine trials, and 67 476 patients free of cardiovascular disease (no data available from HPS diabetic armw5). Risk of coronary events based on mean follow-up of 4.9 years, with data from eight trials, and 50 681 patients free of cardiovascular disease (no data available from ASPENw3 and JUPITERw1). Risk of cerebrovascular events based on mean follow-up of 4.1 years, with data from nine trials, and 67 476 patients free of cardiovascular disease (no data available from HPS diabetic arm). Risk of cancer based on mean follow-up of 3.9 years, with data from six trials, and 52 027 patients free of cardiovascular disease (no data available from HPS, ASCOT,w10 PROSPER,w6 and ASPEN). See footnote to table 1 for full titles of studies. *Measures of heterogeneity
Odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for clinically defined subgroups of sex, age, and diabetes for end points of all cause mortality, major coronary events, major cerebrovascular events, and cancer. Subgroup data are obtained from AFCAPS,w8 PROSPER,w6 ASPEN,w3 MEGA,w2 and JUPITERw1, and for mortality and coronary events from ALLHAT-LLT.w7 We had complete mortality data from all six trials for sex; for age, no data from PROSPER on age<65; for diabetes, no data from ASPEN and AFCAPS on participants without diabetes, and no data from AFCAPS and JUPITER on participants with diabetes. For cardiovascular events, studies included in subgroup analysis were same as for mortality, except no data from AFCAPS for age groups. For cerebrovascular disease, no data from AFCAPS and ALLHAT for all subgroups; also no data from PROSPER on age <65, from ASPEN for participants without diabetes, and from JUPITER for participants with diabetes. For cancer no subgroup data were obtained from ALLHAT; also no data for age <65 from PROSPER, for participants without diabetes from AFCAPS and ASPEN, and for participants with diabetes from JUPITER and AFCAPS. See footnote to table 1 for full titles of studies
by internalmedicine | 2009-07-03 09:43 | 動脈硬化/循環器