2009年 08月 12日
● 地中海式ダイエット摂食量はアルツハイマー病(AD)のリスク減少と相関し、Scarmeasらは、食事量・運動量と、ADの発症を地域住居老人たちの前向きコホート研究で行い、地中海式ダイエットのadherenceと身体活動性が独立してAD発症リスク減少と相関することを見いだした。
Physical Activity, Diet, and Risk of Alzheimer Disease
JAMA. 2009;302(6):627-637.

● 前向きコホート研究にて、Féartらは地中海式ダイエットと認知機能パフォーマンスと、認知症発症リスクに関する検討を行い、5年フォローアップで、地中海式ダイエットのadherenceが多いほど、MMSEスコアが高いことを見いだしたが、ほかの認知機能測定や認知症リスクについては認められなかった。
Adherence to a Mediterranean Diet, Cognitive Decline, and Risk of Dementia
JAMA. 2009;302(6):638-648.
従来の地中海式ダイエット( Mediterranean diet )は、” high intake of vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts, and cereals (that in the past were largely unrefined), and a high intake of olive oil but a low intake of saturated lipids, a moderately high intake of fish (depending on the proximity of the sea), a low-to-moderate intake of dairy products (and then mostly in the form of cheese or yogurt), a low intake of meat and poultry, and a regular but moderate intake of ethanol, primarily in the form of wine and generally during meals”という複合的なもの
Trichopoulou ら(BMJ 1997;315:13-17.)が九点スケールでこの食事形態をスコア化し、その後、亜型(Australia. Br J Nutr 1999;82:57-61. 、J Epidemiol 1997;26:155-159. 、Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:987-992. )が出現している状況
この文献では、NEJM Vo. 348:(26) 2599-2608 Jun. 26, 2003を指標にしている。
Mediterranean-Diet Scale
A scale indicating the degree of adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet was constructed by Trichopoulou et al.6 and revised to include fish intake.
A value of 0 or 1 was assigned to each of nine indicated components with the use of the sex-specific median as the cutoff.
For beneficial components (vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts, cereal, and fish), persons whose consumption was below the median were assigned a value of 0, and persons whose consumption was at or above the median were assigned a value of 1.
For components presumed to be detrimental (meat, poultry, and dairy products, which are rarely nonfat or low-fat in Greece), persons whose consumption was below the median were assigned a value of 1, and persons whose consumption was at or above the median were assigned a value of 0.
For ethanol, a value of 1 was assigned to men who consumed between 10 and 50 g per day and to women who consumed between 5 and 25 g per day.
Finally, for fat intake, we used the ratio of monounsaturated lipids to saturated lipids, rather than the ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated lipids, because in Greece, monounsaturated lipids are used in much higher quantities than polyunsaturated lipids.
Thus, the total Mediterranean-diet score ranged from 0 (minimal adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet) to 9 (maximal adherence).
by internalmedicine | 2009-08-12 09:04 | 精神・認知