直接喫煙・間接喫煙でリポたんぱく関連ホスホリパーゼ A2
2009年 09月 03日
動脈硬化プラークのcapに存在する炎症細胞の発見により、炎症が、plaque ruptureを導くイベント・カスケードとなることが示された。この概念は、CRPなどの炎症性マーカーの値をリスク要因としようとした動きとなった。A2 phospolipaseはリン脂質の加水分解酵素のファミリーで、sn2に位置し、lysophospholipidや脂肪酸合成に働く。type II分泌型phospholipase A2が動脈硬化促進性に働く、この酵素は正常・病的な場合でも中膜ともに存在し、LDL変性とも関連する。
Smoking induces lipoprotein–associated phospholipase A2 in cardiovascular disease free adults: The ATTICA Study
atherosclerosis Volume 206, Issue 1, Pages 303-308 (September 2009)
ATTICA Study (Greece)研究のランダムsub-sample186名対象で、64名の男性 (52±13 歳) 、122名の女性(48±13 歳)
Lp-PLA2 活性と、血中・酵素活性のmass、HDL-Lp-PLA2関連massを決定
多変量線形回帰解析で、ライフスタイル特性、総血中Lp-PLA2活性・massが、正の、そして、独立した現行喫煙と関連 (p=0.02 and p=0.05)、そして、受動喫煙とも関連 (p=0.02 and p=0.01)
さらに、HDL-Lp-PLA2活性とmassは負の、そして独立した現行喫煙と相関 (p=0.04 and p=0.09)
冠動脈性心疾患の独立した予測因子としてのリポたんぱく関連ホスホリパーゼ A2
NEJM Vol. 343:(16) 1148-1155 Oct.r 19, 2000
Heart Rate Variability Increases With Reductions in Cigarette Smoke Exposure After 3 Days
Munjal et al. J
Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther.2009; 0: 1074248409340340v1Background: Smoking has been shown to influence the tone of the autonomic nervous system as reflected by heart rate variability (HRV). To date, no information is available as to whether 24-hour HRV might differentiate users of different tobacco products. Objective: To assess the differences in HRV derived from the 24-hour electrocardiogram (ECG) following the use of 2 tobacco products of potentially different exposures. Methods: Thirty adult Caucasian male smokers (mean age: 42.8 + 5.7 years) smoking 20 to 40 cigarettes/ day were randomized in a 3-way crossover study design to either smoke a conventional cigarette (CC, tar: 11 mg, Nic: 0.8 mg), to use the Electrically Heated Cigarette Smoking System (EHCSS: tar: 5 mg, Nic: 0.3 mg, according to the Federal Trade Commission [FTC]), or to stop smoking (NS) for 3 days each. The 24 hours ECGs were recorded during the last 24 hours of each exposure period. Results: A 24-hour ECG showed highest mean values for standard deviation of all normal-to-normal heart beat (NN) intervals (SDNN), standard deviation of all 5-minute averaged NN intervals in a 24-hour period (SDANN), mean of the standard deviations of the NN intervals calculated from all 5-minute segments in a 24-hour period (SDNNI), percentage (P) of all NN intervals that differ by 50 milliseconds of all NN (PNN50%), the square root of the mean of all squared differences between adjacent NN intervals in 24-hour period (RMSSD), and total number of all NN intervals divided by the height of the histogram of all NN intervals measured on a discrete scale with bins of 7 x 8125 ms (1/128 seconds; HRVTI) when participants stopped smoking followed by the use of the reduced exposure product and CC. Conclusion: Heart rate variability tended to increase with reduced smoke exposure.
by internalmedicine | 2009-09-03 12:11 | 喫煙禁煙