2009年 10月 05日
Recommendations for the administration of influenza vaccine in children allergic to egg
BMJ 2009;339:b3680, doi: 10.1136/bmj.b3680 (Published 15 September 2009)
・Egg-free, mammalian culture based flu vaccines should be given preferentially to individuals allergic to egg
・If an egg-free vaccine is not available, only vaccines with a stated maximum egg content <1.2 µg/ml (0.6 µg per dose) should be used in individuals allergic to egg
・If egg based vaccine is administered to individuals with egg allergy, this should be done in a centre experienced in the management of anaphylaxis
・A single dose protocol is recommended for those with less severe egg allergy
・A two dose, split protocol can be used in those with anaphylaxis to egg or those with moderate or uncontrolled asthma
Two variations of a two dose, split protocol have also been recommended:
・one using a 1:100 intradermal test before dosing, whereas the other forgoes diagnostics but excludes those with anaphylaxis to egg
・Neither of these guidelines incorporates the evidence for the safe administration of vaccine either to those with anaphylaxis to egg or to those apparently sensitised to the vaccine (with a positive intradermal test) using a two dose split protocol.
・The British Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has recently ratified guidelines based on our advice to members of the Paediatric Allergy Group for the 2008 flu season, which form the basis of our recommendations.
by internalmedicine | 2009-10-05 19:04 | インフルエンザ