2009年 10月 28日
Overground Physical Therapy Gait Training for Chronic Stroke Patients With Mobility Deficits
Cochrane Corner(Stroke. 2009;40:e627.)
Meta-analysis for the secondary variable, gait speed (in meters/s). Figure shows a significant overall treatment effect using a fixed effects model. Significant subgroup effects were found when breaking down the type of practice to pre-gait activities only, full-gait activities only, or a combination of pre-gait and full-gait activities. Reference information for the cited studies is available in the full Cochrane review. SD indicates standard deviation; IV, independent variable; CI, confidence interval. From The Cochrane Database of Syst Rev. 2009(3):Art. No.: CD006075.
特定の理学療法指導訓練を受けてない看護師たちが、公的にリハビリテーション機能の分野に入り込んできている。質担保のないhigh-technology aidsに基づかないリハビリテーションは無益だろうに・・・それなりの自己研鑽などはかられているのだろうか?
by internalmedicine | 2009-10-28 10:38 | 運動系