
"Overground gait training"の定義は、”a physical therapists’ observation and cueing of the patient’s walking pattern along with related exercises, but does not include high-technology aids such as functional electric stimulation or body weight support”ということで、一般的な歩行指導のことのようだ。 overground physical therapy gait training の移動障害をもつ慢性卒中患者への歩行能力に与える効果に関する検討


Overground Physical Therapy Gait Training for Chronic Stroke Patients With Mobility Deficits
Cochrane Corner(Stroke. 2009;40:e627.)

Meta-analysis for the secondary variable, gait speed (in meters/s). Figure shows a significant overall treatment effect using a fixed effects model. Significant subgroup effects were found when breaking down the type of practice to pre-gait activities only, full-gait activities only, or a combination of pre-gait and full-gait activities. Reference information for the cited studies is available in the full Cochrane review. SD indicates standard deviation; IV, independent variable; CI, confidence interval. From The Cochrane Database of Syst Rev. 2009(3):Art. No.: CD006075.

特定の理学療法指導訓練を受けてない看護師たちが、公的にリハビリテーション機能の分野に入り込んできている。質担保のないhigh-technology aidsに基づかないリハビリテーションは無益だろうに・・・それなりの自己研鑽などはかられているのだろうか?

by internalmedicine | 2009-10-28 10:38 | 運動系  

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