インスリン口腔内スプレー:Glucose RapidSpray™で糖代謝異常改善

Glucose RapidSpray(tm)
Glucose RapidSpray™ quickly, conveniently and efficiently delivers glucose to the mouth via an easy to use spray bottle. It is used at the first sign of needing additional glucose in your diet, between meals, during exercise and even before bedtime. Glucose RapidSpray™ can be easily stored in your home, office, car, pocket, purse, gym bag or any other convenient place. It comes in orange and raspberry flavors and is available in drugstores across the USA.

American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions 2009でも発表があったもので、IDF20回World Diabetes Congress(International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 20th World Diabetes Congress. Abstract D-0965. Presented October 21, 2009.)の分

ヒト・インスリン 口腔内スプレー 12puff/日で、IGTに対して血糖レベル低下維持報告

吸収促進、stabilizer、非CFC propellantを含む

31名のIGT患者で、4,6,12 スプレーインスリンpuff×2回投与で、血糖とインスリン測定30、60、90、120、180分

12 puff投与にてインパクトを生じ、2時間後平均29.6%血糖低下 (P < .05)、3時間後血糖 26.8%減少、全ポイントでは15.8%減少


Generex Biotechnology Corporation (Nasdaq:GNBT) (www.generex.com)
Dr. Napoli's research was sponsored by Generex.
Dr. Deeb has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.


by internalmedicine | 2009-10-28 11:29 | 糖尿病・肥満  

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