



Physicians and other health care providers have an ethical and moral obligation to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases to their patients.

IDSA Strengthens Mandatory Influenza Immunization Policy for HCWs
IDSA news October 2009 Vol. 19 No. 10

1) Several studies demonstrate that immunizing HCWs against influenza protects patients against acquiring the virus from HCWs, reducing patient morbidity and mortality—thus, universal immunization of HCWs against seasonal and 2009 H1N1 influenza is a critical patient safety issue.
2) Immunizing HCWs against seasonal and 2009 H1N1 influenza also protects the individual HCW from falling ill due to these potentially life-threatening infections as well as from missing work, during influenza outbreaks, further negatively impacting patient care.
3) Decades of scientific data demonstrate Food and Drug Administration-approved influenza vaccines to be safe, effective, and cost-saving.
4) Educational programs and easy access to influenza immunization have resulted in mildly improved coverage in many health care systems in recent years, but generally have not achieved acceptable levels of coverage—most successful educational programs still average only 40 to 70 percent coverage.
5) Several large health care systems and individual hospitals have adopted policies and the state of New York has adopted regulations supporting mandatory influenza immunization such that employees who cannot be vaccinated or who choose not to be vaccinated are required to wear masks or are re-assigned away from direct patient care.
6) Physicians and other health care providers must have two special objectives in view when treating patients, namely, “to do good or to do no harm" (Hippocratic Corpus in Epidemics: Bk. I, Sect. 5, trans. Adams), and have an ethical and moral obligation to prevent transmission of infectious diseases to their patients.

by internalmedicine | 2009-10-30 15:55 | インフルエンザ  

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