頑固な疲れの原因“物質F”やFF ・・・ って、結局なんだ?
2009年 11月 08日
頑固な疲れの原因“物質F”やFF ・・・ って、結局なんだ?
google scholar 、pubmedで調べてもよくわからなかった
HHV-6 AND fatigue (2009) で、google scholarで、”約70件”
NHK「爆笑問題のニッポンの教養」 FILE050 「あ~疲れたの正体!?」
慈恵医科大学ウイルス学講座教授 近藤一博 が、その提言者のようだ・・・
たまたま検索された書籍(M Sabeti - ENDODONTIC MICROBIOLOGY, 2009 )に、
Human herpesvirus-6(HHV-6) exhibits tropism for CD4+ T-lymphocytes(Ablashi et al. 1991) oral epithelium and gingival of periodontitis. It has also been reported to infect a wide variety of cell types (Ablashi et al. 1991). HHV-6 infects ductal epithelium of salivatory glands and is isolated from saliva of most individualsYadav et al. 1997). HHV-6 mainly infects T-lymphocytes and occasionaly B-lymphocytes(lusso et al. 1988). Since EBV has been reported to be prevalent in preradicular pathosis, molecular interaction between HHV-6 and EBV may be important in the pathogenesis of periradicular infection. HHV-6 is frequently detected and reactivated in epithelial tumors of the oral cavity(Yadav et al. 1994; Parra and Slots 1996). HHV-6 may be involved oral squamous induced imparement of host defense. Herpesvirus-mediated pahtogenecity may take place through several mechanisms, operating alone or in combination, and may involve both cellular and humoral host responses(Contreras and Slots 2000)
また、ある雑誌(Asian Nursing Research September 2008 Vol 2 No 3)には、
Human herpesvirus (HHV)-6, which belongs to the beta herpesvirus group, is a common human pathogen. At least 90% of the adult population has been infected with HHV-6 (Abdel-Haq & Asmar, 2004). HHV-6 has a life-long latency (which is a hallmark of herpes viruses), reactivates frequently, and is shed in saliva. Reactivation occurs due to stress and is also associated with serious diseases and their complications, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, and encephalitis (Cohrs & Gilden, 2001). Kondo (2005) studied the association between HHV-6 reactivation, as determined by salivary HHV-6 levels, and work-induced fatigue in healthy office workers. Reactivated HHV-6 was detected in the saliva of 80% of subjects who worked overtime for 1 week. However,HHV-6 was detected in only 23% of the subjects following a 1-week holiday. Therefore, salivary HHV-6 levels appear to be useful as an accurate indicator of chronic fatigue.
pubmed では、. ”These findings suggest that the amount of HHV-6 and HHV-7 reactivation can be an objective biomarker for fatigue.”という、日本臨床2007のレビュー文献が検索される。
医学の歩み 228巻6号 2009年2月7日
最新・疲労の科学 -日本発:抗疲労・抗過労への提言
疲労感じる原因たんぱく質を発見 慈恵医大教授ら2008年9月4日3時0分・・・という新聞記事の残骸が見れる。
こちらは、"疲労を感じる原因となるタンパク質”となっている。・・・ 結局わからず・・・
NHK、ためしてガッテンには前科があり、”ためしてガッテンが起源の血液どろどろ・さらさら 2006年 08月 31日”で触れたごとく、民放にこの詐欺的テーマが流布され、”あるある事件”(あるある(Aruaru)は国際用語へ?・・・Nature掲載:規制と外部監視機関が必要 2007年 02月 22日)にまで、到達したのだ。
by internalmedicine | 2009-11-08 18:05 | 精神・認知