
選挙前の、地球温暖化問題をとりあげていた”朝まで生テレビ”(「激論!ド~する?!地球温暖化」)収録分をみたが、温暖化肯定派vs否定派(懐疑派ではないらしい)の論争・・・特に、査読論文のワンパターン・自称ジャーナリスト、行政・政府側の温暖化肯定派に対してなんだかゲンナリした。俺たちは常に正しいんだ、ICPO様、それから、シミュレーションもそれを支持するし・・・と・・・ワンパターン。武田 邦彦(中部大学総合工学研究所教授)氏は自らの意見を合理的に説明せず、丸山 茂徳(東京工業大学大学院教授)氏のプレゼンに乗っかかるだけ・・・

科学的事象に対する客観的謙虚さがたりないと・・・出演者全員に感じたが、特に、江守 正多(国立環境研究所 温暖化リスク評価研究室長)氏にその印象を強く感じた。サンプリングが間違えていたら、江守氏のシミュレーションなんてゴミ以下。

The Lancetなどは 国連気候変動枠組条約(UN Framework Convention on Climate Change、UNFCCC)第15回締約国会議(COP15)に合わせ、”Health and Climate Change"(2009.11.25)と特集を組んでいる。


The famous “hockey stick” chart produced by Michael Mann, meteorology professor at Pennsylvania State University

"Between "Climategate" and Copenhagen: Lots of Confusion"




(2009年12月9日12時35分 読売新聞)


IPCC議長、温暖化をめぐるメール流出事件で当事者らを擁護(2009年12月09日 11:00)
パチャウリ議長は、今回の電子メール流出は、IPCCの大きな成果である第4次報告書(Fourth Assessment Report)の信頼性を落とすため、この報告書の執筆に関与した「過去20~21年間にIPCCに多大な貢献があった卓越した科学者たち」を標的にしたハッキングによるものだと語った。また第4次報告書を見直すべきとの意見があることについては、その必要はないとの立場を示した。


What Consensus? Public, Scientists Doubt Climate Crisis

Many scientists have been pointing out that even the observed warming during the past century, contrary to claims of the IPCC, is nothing extraordinary and doesn't exceed past trends and natural variability. This is the position, for instance, of the group of distinguished scientists at the Science and Environmental Policy Project who produced the important report "Nature, Not Human Activity(, Rules the Climate," in 2008.

Other calm voices of reason include Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu, a professor of geophysics and founding director of the International Arctic Research Center of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, who wrote "The Recovery from the Little Ice Age and Global Warming"( for The New American last year.

Large numbers of climatologists, paleoclimatologists, meteorologists, atmospheric physicists, geophysicists, oceanographers, geologists, and scientists in every virtually every field have been calling into question the claims of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the politicization of IPCC "science" to promote costly and draconian global policies. Some of the IPCC's most severe critics are scientists who have served as authors and expert reviewers of IPCC reports and have witnessed from the inside the blatant, hardball politics masquerading as science.

A major compendium of statements from eminent scientists can be found in the recently released "U. S. Senate Minority Report: More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims."(  As eye-opening as this Senate report is, it does not begin to tell the full story of the breadth and depth of the ranks of scientists who take issue with the IPCC "consensus."

More than 31,000 scientists ( in the United States have signed a petition urging the U.S. government to reject the kinds of actions being proposed in Copenhagen. The Petition Project, organized by Dr. Arthur Robinson of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine and Dr. Frederick Seitz, past president of the National Academy of Sciences, demonstrates a resounding rejection of claims that the science is "settled," or that there is any kind of "overwhelming consensus" that anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is a crisis or serious threat.

East Anglia Confirmed Emails from the Climate Research Unit - Searchable

科学史上最悪のスキャンダル?! "Climategate"

by internalmedicine | 2009-12-10 08:16 | その他  

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