

American Academy of Neurologyのガイドラインでは、慢性腰痛治療へのtranscutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS:経皮的神経電気刺激) は推奨されてない。だが、TENSは糖尿病性ニューロパチーでは考慮すべきであるとされた。


ガイドライン:Assessment: Efficacy of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation in the treatment of pain in neurologic disorders (an evidence-based review). Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology (Neurology 2009, doi:10.1212/WNL.0b013e3181c918fc)

Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) is not recommended for the treatment of chronic low back pain (Level A).
TENS should be considered in the treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy (Level B).
Further research into the mechanism of action of TENS is needed, as well as more rigorous studies for determination of efficacy.

podcast: http://aan.com/rss/?event=feed&channel=1

by internalmedicine | 2010-01-04 17:18 | 運動系  

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